Friday, May 17, 2013


In the last few days I have been getting ready to speak at our upcoming girls of purpose conference in Tampa. It will be my first time speaking in front of a large group of people. I have had a lot of fear come over me in the last few days. The thought of failure fills my mind and the what if’s are very over whelming. As I search down deep inside of myself I know that this is right where the Lord wants me. He wants me to trust Him and not myself. I know that I can’t do this without Him. I also know He doesn't call the equipped, He calls the willing. He looks for the people who are broken that say yes. The Bible is filled with these kinds of people. For instance David was just a Sheppard boy, the smallest among his brothers, but his love and trust in the Lord outweighed His fears. Or Joshua who didn't look at how big the giants were in the promise land but looked at how big his God was. They were ordinary people just like you and I. There wasn't anything special about them. But God on the other hand saw greatness on the inside of each of them. God likes to take ordinary people and do extraordinary things, so He can get the glory. He is wanting to take us out of our comfort zones, and do what He is asking us to do even if it means we have to do it afraid. So even though this fear consumes me I am not going to let it win. I will just keep my eyes on God and remember that He is the great I Am and He will hold me up with His victorious right hand.

Nikki Mayer

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